Introducing the 7-Month Strategy + Scale Mastermind for Digital CEOs Already Making $100k+ Online

Part Cutting-Edge Strategy, Part Scaling Solutions, you'll work directly with Jill and a handful of high-achieving digital entrepreneurs (capping this program at 12-16 women max) to scale their revenue to $500k to $1M+ in 2025.

It's NOT about working harder, it's about employing different and BETTER strategy to take your business to 7-figures + beyond.

Because ... what got you here won't get you there.

Get access to the tools, strategies and systems to exponentiate your business outcomes in 2025. It's all possible.

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2025 Applications are open until Thursday Nov 21st ONLY

Introducing the Strategy + Scale (S+S) Mastermind
for 6-Figure Digital CEOs

Here’s the thing … you’re here because you have already had a good amount of success, you’ve built some amazing programs and products, you have an audience that invests …


You’re hitting a ceiling and know you need to access next-level strategy to get your business to multi-6-figures or even 7-figures consistently.

You have traction, assets and trust with your audience … but you need to organize your business BETTER to catapult your revenue and impact.

Your business is not *exactly* where you want it to be.   

Either you’ve hit a time ceiling that you haven’t been able to get passed …

OR your business has been consistently growing over the past few years, but you can’t see the exact path that will get you to that next revenue level.

You’ve implemented a ton in your business already. You have great ideas and you take action ...

And you’ve achieved some wins and built momentum …

But you’ve reached a point where you’ve maxed out on your current business model.

Maybe you think if you just keep going what you’re doing and do it to more people, you’ll get more results.

Well, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t work that way.

At some point, what got you here won’t get you there.

I don’t want you to work more hours, I want you to work differently.

And look, real talk, you will have to work differently if you want to greater level of success. 

You need a new strategy.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a customized strategy for getting to 7-figures that you were excited to go ALL IN on?

Imagine what you’d be able to create once you were able to execute this strategy:

  • You’d see your business growing month after and year have year…
  • You’d finally have that stable, predictable revenue you want every month ... you’d no longer be riding that cash flow roller coaster.
  • With this new-found momentum and clarity, you’d be showing up as your BEST self every day and impacting your audience much more than you ever have before.
  • You would be clear on your numbers, your lead generation, your time and energy management (hello, I know you want to spend time doing things outside of business!) and have launch predictability.

If you haven't been running your business on metrics, conversions, CPL, EPL, LTV, CAC and more ... now's the time.

It's Big-Girl-Business (#BGB) Time, bb.

The GOOD NEWS is, this is the exact clarity and reality you’ll be able to create for yourself in the next 7 months as a member of my Strategy + Scale Mastermind, which I believe is the best high-level fitness, nutrition and wellness business coaching on the planet.

The S+S Mastermind is a 7-month coaching program designed to help high-achieving entrepreneurs scale their revenue by 50-100% in 2025.

Introducing the S+S Mastermind's 4M Method:

MINDSET for Success:

You’ve worked with me, and you know my mantra: “I can see this as a pain, OR I can see this as a puzzle.”

The reason my business clients take so much fucking action is because we lower the barrier to entry using mindset resets. We see things clinically, objectively. We know that business is just a puzzle to be solved, and approaching it this way is a productivity system.

We take more action when we don’t take the results personally.

As your coach and guide, I will be challenging you to see things clearly, truthfully and objectively in your business, so that we can scale up fast and effectively without getting emo about every little thing ;)

Compelling + Clear MESSAGING:

Fact: the fastest way to scale your business is to nail your messaging and understand the value you have to offer.

Another fact: most struggling businesses don’t take the time to do this and do not realize how important it is.

That’s why it’s critical you get your messaging nailed down and continue to optimize it regularly.

Once you have it in place, the next step is to install a product launch strategy so the right people get exposed to your messaging in a way that is natural for them to want to learn more about your offer and working with you.

If you become an S+S Mastermind member, I will be relentless in helping you nail your messaging so that you never have to ask, who am I talking to, what do they want from me, who am I in the space, what am I actually selling, WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE??

You’ll get all the feedback you need to stand out and position you for explosive growth.


Not gonna lie, marketing is my favorite thing, and I am a strategist through and through.

Starting with your year-long planned out strategy, you and I will break down every launch, every lead gen, every flash sale, every message to make sure you’re exponentiating your impact and income with every single thing you do in your business. No more leaving money on the table.

(This is also why I’m limiting the Mastermind to no more than a dozen businesses this year)

I’ll be helping you with all the moving parts. You’ll know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how. Cutting edge launch strategy, and I’ll be sharing the exact steps (and new strategy!) that took JillFit to 7-figures+ in 2021 and we continue to grow year after year.

As you know, I personally invest in my own business mentorship every year, and over the last 4 years, I've invested over $150,000 in business coaching alone.

You’ll get access to everything I learn and the strategies I’m implementing in real time.

Your MONEY Approach:

One of the biggest differences between a 6-figure business and a 7-figure business is number and efficacy of revenue streams.

I’ll be honest, getting to 6-figure doing high-ticket 1:1 coaching is actually not that hard. BUT, you and I both know that doing 1:1 high-touch coaching forever and ever is not only unsustainable and draining, but at some point, you WILL reach a revenue ceiling. Perhaps you’re already there?

So the reason why this Mastermind is calls Strategy and SCALE is because we need to start employing new launch mechanisms, more leveraged programs, a greater volume of people enrolling in your offering and …

Automation, funnels, paid traffic and THINGS YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO DELIVER.

You may have heard of “passive income” but honestly, the way most people think about it makes it seem like it’s a “set it and forget it” deal. It’s not. BUT, it is possible IF you do what’s necessary strategy-wise to set it up.

You already have a ton of different offers, assets and you probably have products sitting there not making money right now—DIYs, self-paced courses, even freebies that could be re-packaged as low-ticket products, down-sells, up-sells and bumps.

In the S+S Mastermind, we’re going to create a brand new profitable funnel for you in the very first quarter.

BUT, it’s going to require your willingness to do things differently in 2025.

Are you willing??

What's Included in S+S:

1) Four Live 4-Hour Intensive Strategy Workshops ($24,000 value)

I’m doing something brand, new and making sure you have every single strategy, tool and LATEST tactic for leveling everything up in 2025. So I will be hosting a (4) live 4-hour workshops (4 Intensives over 7 months), which will be part teaching (topics below) and part implementation on your part. I’ll be running you through exercises and discussions so you can effectively implement these new strategies.

Here’s what we’ll be covering in our live Intensives:

  • Year launch planning + projections – this will actually be done in 1:1 capacity (see below for our 1:1 coaching schedule)
  • Building out product suite, customer journey, ascension model for all lead magnets, social and products
  • BRAND NEW launch strategy, including what happens before cart opens, what happens during and all the many moving parts that help your people get off the fence and enroll—I’ll be sharing the new strategies JillFit has been perfecting this year
  • Organizing + tracking your financials so you can maximize your revenue (less expenses, maximizing your revenue)
  • Paid traffic strategy, both ongoing for lead generation AND profitable funnels as well as launch advertising—this will be a huge component for you next year if it’s not already
  • Team building + hiring – also will be a big part of your 2025 if you are not doing this already. We’ll be talking Org chart, roles within the company and how to take more things off YOUR plate (I promise it’s not as scary as it sounds! And you can do this without paying thousands of dollars each month to employees, I promise, we’ll start slow)
  • Advanced team building, management + performance – this will including ongoing management, proficiency for you as a the Visionary in your company and perfecting what it means to be a leader for your team, even if you just have one person helping you
  • Money mindset so that you can stop feeling in scarcity and find a flow that creates more abundance for you, your team and your family. At JillFit, we’ve gone from 5-figure launches to multi-6-figure launches and so much of it as to do with money mindset
  • Marketing + copywriting essentials that always need honing, including what’s working on social media, via email newsletters, perfecting your landing pages and sales pages and more. These are non-negotiable business skills that you need to get really good at if you’re not already
  • Alignment, mindset + lifestyle because I don’t want you working a job your hate, and I don’t want you to lose the autonomy, freedom and joy you’ve worked so hard for. At JillFit, we’ve increased our revenue over 70% since 2020 and I didn’t have to work any harder, just smarter
  • Technology, funnel-building, software and more to automate your revenue, build out profitable SLO funnels and have traffic running to your DIY offers

These will be happening:

  • Tuesday December 10th: 9am -1pm PT
  • Tuesday March 11th: 9am-1pm PT
  • Tuesday April 8th: 9am-1pm PT
  • Tuesday June 3rd: 9am-1pm PT

Of course they’ll be recorded and posted in the Mastermind portal after the fact, but this is a time to not only learn but to implement and get feedback LIVE with me and the other Mastermind women.

2) One-on-one support from me ($10,500 value)

This is called the STRATEGY + Scale Mastermind because I’m nosy and I want to know what you’re doing in your business at all times! However, as you are at 6-figure level already, I don’t expect you to have to run every single tiny decision by me like my beginners might BUT I do want to help you monthly with your big, high-level strategy.

That being said, here's how 1:1 support works:

  • Individual deep-dive 75-minute call in December ($1875 value)
  • 1:1 calls as needed -- there is no set amount of calls (as I've noticed in previous experiences that many don't even use all the calls allotted) but I do want to be able to support you whenever you need it - so for example, maybe you're struggling with a specific offer or you're tweaking your launch calendar or you're frustrated with a team member (or anything else), you can text me and we can figure out a time to jump on call, no problem. Some clients will want to touch base monthly, others every quarter, and still others whenever they need some higher level strategy.
  • You'll also have unlimited messenger access for quickie questions or back-and-forths as needed.

S+S Mastermind members are the only people who will have this kind of intimate access to me in 2025.

In our December deep dive call, we’ll be outlining your entire year, at a high level. We’ll be reviewing your product suite, finalizing your ascension model, putting some numbers in place and even talking MINDSET because you will need to become someone different to go where you want to go in 2025.

And all correspondence thereafter will be whenever you need, making sure we are on the same page with your strategy, goals and reverse engineering each one of your launches, you can book them as needed.

Because we'll have an incredible group of A+ ROCKSTAR members, this container was created for you to be able to access one another in a PEER-COACHING capacity as well! I may not have every single answer, so being able to lean on other members for best practices will be hugely beneficial.

3) TWO Digital CEO Experience In-Person Business Retreats ($8,000 value) including a "Team Day"

While our mastermind Intensive calls will be amazingly valuable by themselves and far exceed your investment in this program, there’s nothing quite like what we can accomplish when we’re together in person. If you’ve ever been to live events, you know how magical they are!

That’s why when you’re in the program, you’ll be invited to the exclusive 2-day S+S Mastermind Intensives that I conduct twice a year.

These events are awesome and are a mix of high-level training, implementing, masterminding, networking, and they’re also a ton of fun. I'm actually changing the "vibe" of these events from less "corporate" to more "cozy."

I want these events to not only be massively valuable business-wise, but I'm going to facilitate epic experiences and connection with other members, so we are truly "shoulder-to-shoulder" while building these businesses.

Each event has specific theme, which is typically made up of one or two topics that are most pressing for the group that we go DEEP on and we actually spend time putting pen to paper and getting things done.

We also leave plenty of time for you to get support on your most pressing questions as well as masterminding time for you tap into the power of the group and get breakthrough ideas that are impossible to get outside of this kind of environment.  

Think of these intensives as your opportunity to do your own “mini think week.” You’ll come back to your office more invigorated than you can imagine, ready to kick ass and implement all the million-dollar ideas you just learned.

At these events, you’ll get support from myself and the other A-players in the group.

And of course, with the "cozy" theme, we’ll have some out-of-the-box events including social time, activities, meetups and more! Think of these events as time you get to connect and bond with your business besties!

All activities will be a surprise! ;)

These retreats typically retail for $4000 each and I’m so pumped to be able to bring you TWO of these incredibly impactful live events over our 7 months together!

Dates for the 2025 Digital CEO Experience live events:

  • January 16-17th in Las Vegas, NV
  • April 30th-May 2nd with an opportunity for you to join with a team member - location TBD

4) Messenger Support ($4,500 value)

If you and I have worked together in the past, chances are you’ve received an audio message from me in the past. This is how we'll communicate on quickie things you need help with, as they come up.

This is where I connect with you whenever you need, between live workshops and for things that don't take a lot of time to tease out.

I love messages! Honestly. Getting to coach you in real time through your launches and when you have quickie strategy questions (or need the occasional pep talk ;)) is so fun for me.

I always answer within 24 hours Monday thru Friday, and this is a great way for us to stay in touch as things are unfolding in your business in real time.

5) A Private Community for Connection, Best Practices + Brain Share ($2,500 value)

In addition to everything mentioned above, you also get access to a very special private community group on Telegram,.

This is a great place for y’all to connect with one another between group calls, access the collective brainshare of the group, ask about people’s best practices, etc. as well as an additional place to run things by me you'd like feedback.

And this is also where I will be:

  • Sharing any JillFit business insights, strategies or pages I think you may benefit from
  • Looking over any lead pages, sales pages or marketing copy you’d like my 2 cents on if they are not performing well—and of course, as this is also a peer-coached group, all the members can provide feedback as well, not just me!
  • Making any announcements relating to our live calls, live events, affiliate marketing (if you’re interested in that) and more
  • Facilitating connecting between YOU all! With a small, intimate group, I am so freakin’ pumped to be pushing each other to continue to grow and challenge ourselves within this group!
  • You'll also have access to my operations team in the group to ask them anything related to logistics, admin, customer success and launch strategy, too.

This is the only group that gets actual editorial feedback from me, where I can give you specific feedback on marketing messaging, landing pages and sales pages to make sure they’re the highest-converting possible, as well as a place to get feedback from your peers.


6) Enrollment into my Complete Digital Business Education Library of Courses ($3,100 value)

Because this is a MASTERMIND, and we'll be focusing on advanced strategy, brain-share and peer-coaching, I don't want to spend our precious time together teaching you basic online business-building systems, so I'm handing you the keys to the kingdom--the complete education for ANYTHING you need to learn in your business.


Fitness Business Accelerator (FBA):

  • Social media content best practices
  • Lead generation + lead nurturing
  • Lead magnets + landing pages
  • Product development
  • Creating sales mechanisms/launch funnels + sales pages
  • Email marketing
  • Advanced Launch Messaging
  • The JillFit Launch Formula
  • Automated sales funnels + paid traffic
  • Launch stacking and launch debriefs
  • Productivity and yearly launch planning
  • And more + any/all new trainings that get added!


  • My Advanced Copywriting Course
  • Six-Figure Fitness How to Create a Digital Product
  • The 30-Day Launch System for A-to-Z launch strategy
  • #TrustU Branding + Social Media Course
  • #StoryU course for IG Story best practices
  • The Coaching Track for becoming a better COACH

You'll have access to every single training you'd need to run your business, so that you and I can focus on the big picture stuff: scaling, team building, leadership, ascension model + customer journey, automation and getting YOU out of the every-single-thing of the business and into growing THE MACHINE that can run with or without you.

Okay Jill, what’s the investment to join?


Glad you asked ;)


The word investment is the operative word here.   


Joining the program is definitely an investment in YOURSELF that will provide you a maximum return like nothing else.


For starters, the vast majority of the people who join this program will recoup their investment within a 1-2 months of joining, sometimes in as little as a couple weeks.


Hell, I wouldn’t even invite you into to the program if I didn’t think you’d recoup your investment within 60-90 days.


Remember, as an invite-only Mastermind, the secret is that each person in the group I know can knock it out of the park. We’re going to be a rocketship together. It’s guaranteed.


Of course, if you take all of the benefits above and added them up, it will be easy for you to see the insane value you’re getting in the program.


My current one-on-one coaching rates are $1500/hr and I’m not taking any new 1:1 clients in 2025. You are the only group getting this much 1:1 access to me.


Add up 4-hour Intensives (= $24,000) + 1:1 coaching access (=  $10,500) + $4,000 for each live event (= $8,000) and you get $42,000.00


That $42,000 number is still less than the extra $50,000-100,000+ I’d expect you to generate in the next 7 months when you join the program.


Of course, you know that the investment is not going to be anywhere near $42,000.


It’s not even $30,000 or $20,000 like you might be expecting. No, as of right now, you can become an S+S Mastermind Member for just…

7 payments of $1500

OR, if you'd like to invest in full, I'm happy to waive the $1000 bookkeeping fee, and you can invest your tuition in full for $9500.

Every single Mastermind member ever has recouped their investment within months (if not right away), and has gone on to make 10x their investment if not more in subsequent months and years.

The ROI is clear.

If you have a big revenue goal for 2025, I don't know how you hit it without accessing new, advanced strategy and getting in the rooms necessary to be held to a higher standard ...

Take fast, decisive action.

I’m laying out the red carpet for you to join today.

I’ve added every single bell and whistle I possibly can. 

I’ve essentially gone ALL IN on inspiring you to join my program by giving you my absolute best offer.

Should you decide not to take me up on this invite, no issues but please know that this is probably the most affordable the Mastermind will ever be.


After that, the investment to join the program will increase to $12,000.

Due to the fact that my goal is to keep this group small there’s a good chance spaces will not even be available if you’re thinking about joining “later” or “when the time is right.”

So, the time to decide is now.

A mark of a true A-Player is being decisive.  

Once they’ve reviewed the necessary facts, they make their decision and then go ALL IN on that decision.  

This info page contains every bit of information you need to know to see if joining the S+S Mastermind is a good fit for you or not. 

The time to act is now.  

If you have any additional questions, please email