THE LAUNCH BLUEPRINT in 2021 hosted by Jill Coleman

Step-by-Step Exactly How I Launch Digital Programs, Products and Group Coaching Programs Online


I'm teaching:

The 3 Phases of Launching, Exactly What to Do In Each One, Mistakes to Avoid and How to Make Sure It's a Win-Win for Everyone


This 2-hour workshop is for health, fitness and nutrition professionals who want to grow their online coaching services and roster in 2021 and want to stop trying to figure everything out themselves and just finally learn how to do things right.

If you've ever said, "I want to launch this thing, but I don't know how to do it exactly," this is literally why I created this course.

OR, if you have launched something in the past on your own and it was a flop, this is for you. There's a better way, I promise.

OR, if you just want to learn some of the latest BEST PRACTICES for 2021, you won't want to miss this.

You have lifetime access to this training.

What You'll Learn:

My step-by-step Launch Formula

I'm going to cover exactly how I launch my online products and programs, including a detailed CASE STUDY of the #LeanBuilding launch from May 2020.

I'll take you from start-to-finish, which is a 2-3 month process, including how I warm my audience up, how I price products, how I market + position my offers and how I get people to say HELL YES to enrolling.

Connection Strategies for 2021

The first part of the Trust equation: best practices in connecting with potential clients that feel organic, real and a win-win for all. The more understood a potential customer feels by you and the closer they feel human-to-human, the more likely they are to invest. After all, people buy coaches, not coaching.

I'll be sharing my proven system of how to turn warm leads into paying clients.

Organic Sales in 2021

I'm teaching how to sell with NO ADS in this workshop.

Look, the days of the long, scrolling sales page with a bunch of "marketing copy" and dozens of side-by-side photos is over. For personal brands who want to get incredible results for their clients, sales need to be more organic, fluid and native than ever. Access, conversation + connection are the name of the game in 2021. If you've ever felt scared to sell or worried you were "annoying people," you don't want to miss this part!

Hi, I'm Jill!

I'm the founder of JillFit and the creator of Fitness Business Accelerator, an in-depth 6-month mentorship for health/fitness coaches who are beginners to internet business.

Over the last decade at JillFit, I've made it my mission to help as many trainers and coaches quit the Fitness Hustle (you know it, split shifts, early mornings, late nights, training people for pennies) and move their services online to have more freedom and make money while they sleep.

When I started online, it was out of pure misery working 70-80 hours a week at the gym and always feeling in scarcity around money and clients. I started JillFit as a blog, but within18 months, we'd grown to a 6-figure online business with 5 coaches. Fast forward 8 years and JillFit has grossed over 5M helping people all over the world get fit, live healthier and yes, build their online coaching business.

You're here because you want more success. You're sick of feeling stressed about money constantly and tired of trying to DIY everything and always feel like you are missing the mark when you try stuff on your own.

You know you need to do something different and you're ready to actually LEARN how to do things right.


Enroll in the Masterclass and walk away with the tangible tools and action steps you can literally implement this month with your new offering.