Quit waiting. Start doing.
Short, daily action challenges to get more done in a single week than you have in the last 6 months - never have to wonder what you should be doing, I've laid it all out for you!
Starts right away!
But with strategy, accountability and the guidance of someone who knows the industry inside and out, it's possible to get a LOT done in a short amount of time.
Hi, I'm Jill!
I'm the founder of JillFit.com, as well as an online business coach for fitness pros and a meathead at heart ;)
And in the last 7 years, I've helped over 500 health/fitness coaches start and grow online businesses, to be able to help clients all around the world and make a huge impact.
This online fitness space is ALWAYS changing! As your coach in #ActionAcademy, I am obsessed with staying relevant and up on the latest and greatest in branding, marketing, social media, sales and more.
And you can bet I put all my BEST tools, strategies and insights into this FREE program because I know that a little action creates a lot of momentum!
I can't wait to work with you!
Goal: Complete short, daily HW assignments that are designed to help you grow momentum in building your online platform and attracting more clients. Get more done in a week than you have in the last 6 months. We are action focused!
Dates: Starts right away!
Delivery: I'll be sharing short, daily educational videos and checklists, via our closed coaching page + via email.
Who exactly is this for: Fitness, nutrition or health coaches/enthusiasts who want to build their platform online and attract more distance clients so they can free up their schedule, have more autonomy and reach people all over the world with their message.
Spots are limited for this FREE challenge so grab your seat sooner rather than later
Over the course of 5 days, you'll learn:
Join the FREE 5-day challenge below and get more done in a week than you have in the last 6 months!
Starts right away!
Questions? Email me: info@jillfit.com